The Science Behind Being Kind

Being kind to others in the smallest ways has a positive effect on your mind and overall health. By choosing to help others, we take the attention off ourselves and make them feel supported and valued.

Research shows that performing random acts of kindness is good for your health and as we express this, we release ‘happy chemicals’ like dopamine and oxytocin regularly, which makes us feel good!

So how does kindness help my health?

Boosts immune system

Research shows the brain naturally responds to life from a place of negativity, almost like a way to protect ourselves from unexpected danger. As we express kindness, it fights against the negative thought process and boosts our immune system.

Encourages self-care

Showing kindness adds value to both the giver and receiver. Research shows that when we have a sense of purpose in our lives, we are more likely to take better care of ourselves. This gets better with practice and intentionality over time.

Kindness is contagious

As mentioned in a previous blog post here, kindness is contagious. It’s easy to be overcome by the negativity in the world, but as we step out in random acts of kindness, it works like a domino effect, inspiring others to also show kindness. 

Eight ways to show kindness

1. Seize the opportunity

Often, we miss opportunities with so much on our minds. Choose to slow down and pay attention and the opportunities will jump out at you.

2. Listen, don’t just hear

We crave intimacy and closeness and the best way to give that to someone is by listening to them.

3. Give a friend a gift, just because

Send a loved one something to remind them just how special they are to you.

4. Do a favour without asking for anything in return

Nothing is better than having something you’ve been meaning to get around to done by someone for you. Why not choose to be that person for someone else?

5. Make a loved one breakfast in bed

Speaks for itself. The perfect timeless act of kindness.

6. Give away old clothes/items you no longer need

Clearing out your wardrobe or bookshelf will not only help someone else but give you a clutter-free environment.

7. Offer to help someone having a tough day

“A burden shared is a burden halved” – T.A. Webb.

8. Share with someone

We were all taught 'sharing is caring' from young, but how much do we practice it? Start by sharing more of your time today with your loved ones.

Play around with these ideas over the next few weeks and notice the boost in your general mood!